Let’s Fight Depression…

Hello Everyone,

       This message is to all of you my blogger friends and other readers please give five minutes of your precious time, it may change someone’s life!

       Sometimes, our mental state is something which we cannot control! The happiest person too can face the depression. We never know what is going on in other person’s mind. 

       I just read an incident about a person. That incident was described by one of his friends. The most entertaining, enthusiastic person in their group, very cheerful person he was and one day, suddenly they heard the news about his suicide. 

       Here, in this case, people around him say that we never felt that he is facing any kind of depression or something like that, he was acting very cheerful all the time and all of a sudden he did this. And we failed to understand him and resist him from doing this. 

       There are many such incidences, which take place everyday on some or the other part of the world. And my friend, there must be someone around you who is, maybe, suffering from a depression, try to help them out. Talk to them. Let it come out. 

       It’s just a feeling of losing way, which could arise from absolutely anything. And its fine! It can happen to anybody.

       It is just an illness that needs a doctor’s help, just like any other disease. We need to make them understand that it’s not like only ‘mental’ people go to counsellors and seek help. There is always a way out and it’s okay to ask for help.

       It’s hard to be a friend of someone who is depressed, but it is the kindest and best thing you can do. You  can save someone’s life. Be that person, be that friend!

I hope, this will help someone out there.


– Suvarna (Megha).

170 thoughts on “Let’s Fight Depression…

  1. I guess everyone at some point of life would face the worst stage of depression. Nowadays no one could escape from its tight grip and taking help from loved ones, talking to them would be a great help to come out of it.
    Nicely written, Suvarna!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Manasi Umanita

    So true..we in today’s life have become so self indulge​d that we miss to se​e that someone around us may be n​eeds​ our help..We meet, we greet and we as​k How are you..bt​ do we really mean it..Do we literaal​y want to know how are they actually doing..? I guess no..!! Beautiful article Suvarna..A thought worth thinking about.!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DysthymiaFocus

      I have started to answer the ‘how are you’ question more honestly. I’ll answer, ‘not great, feeling a bit low actually’. If they freak out and look at me like I’m a space alien, I know they probably won’t welcome a deeper conversation! To make real change we need to speak up!!!

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Manasi Umanita

    So true..we in today’s life have become so self-indulge​d that we miss to se​​e that someone around us may be n​eeds​ our help..We meet, we greet and we as​k How are you..bt​ do we really mean it..Do we literall​​y want to know how are they actually doing..? I guess no..!! Beautiful article Suvarna..A thought worth thinking about.!!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Manasi Umanita

    So true..we in today’s life have become so self-indulged that we miss seeing that someone around us may need​ our help..We meet, we greet and we as​k How are you..but​ do we really mean it.​ Do we literally want to know how are they actually doing..? I guess no..!! Beautiful article Suvarna..A thought worth thinking about.!!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. In the beginning, are you referring to the Humans Of Mumbai post? I read something similar there yesterday. And it’s so devastating. We need to reach out to people. It is very important and I hope more and more people understand that


    1. Yes Shreya! Yesterday only i read that post and i was so disturbed after that and then I thought of writing this, this social message is must have to spread now, someone out there is fighting with his/her ownself and we can help them and we have to help them.

      Thank yo so much Shreya for reading this, i just hope it will work for someone, lets just do it all of us together!

      Have a nice day! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Manasi Umanita

    So true..we in today’s life have become so self-indulge​d that we miss to se​​e that someone around us may be n​eeds​ our help..We meet, we greet and we as​k How are you..bt​ do we really mean it..Do we literall​y want to know how are they actually doing..? I guess no..!! Beautiful article Suvarna..A thought worth thinking about.!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, that’s true! But still we have to reach to people, and assure them that no matter what we are here, they will talk to you with some or other day for sure and it will work. Hope for the best and we can do it!

      Thanks a lot for reading my post. 🙂


  7. meeraganesan

    Very true! Sometimes you can never know what a person is going through just by looking at their facial expressions. Like you said, a true friend is a person who understands the person and his/her emotions and help them get through his/her phase of depression.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I like this post a lot. Most depressed people don’t need advice. They have heard enough. They just want to be assured that they matter and that there is someone there to hold them or hug them tight. Actions, not words matter.

    I had written a post, not as detailed as yours, but summarizing the essence of this idea.

    Please see when you can – http://wp.me/p4HkD-xQ

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I agree so much! There is such a need for people like this in the world 🙂 You can never tell what’s going on in someone’s life, or mind, so people need to watch what they say and stop judging others. I’m battling a lot at the moment, which is actually why I joined the WordPress community as I thought blogging might help, and reading this made me smile 🙂 thank you for that x

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Matthew Milam

    I have complicated feelings about this – one of them being that if a person were to say they were depressed, that he or she would get understanding from others; most of the time, it creates a label, a label that tells others you are an infectious disease looking to suck the happiness out of others.

    Given that everyone feels overwhelmed with their own lives, we tend to push those people away in the hopes they will get the message to get it together or else they risk being alone. I battle with it having just lost my mother two weeks ago and not completely certain with
    how to cope (I get by, but I have my days where I am depressed – not suicidal however).

    Liked by 1 person

  11. What’s really good is being able to talk to somebody at most!!! Like a therapist, doctor, parents, teachers, professors, trusted friends, etc. You are never alone and you may never know the other struggles the other person is going through. There is ALWAYS a light at the end of the tunnel. I’m here if anyone needs me. – Hayden

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Pingback: Fighting – Depression

  13. caterpillars2butterfliesblog

    Great post! It is so true that often behind the happiest smile can be hidden a mind that is ravaged with depression. Be kind to those around you, you never know what they are really dealing with.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No, it’s not like that, people will have no problem to stay with someone who is in grief but wants to get out of it, if the person is not intended to change his/her situation then it can happen. I have an example of a person suffering from depression but wanted to get out of it, I happily accepted her grieves and made her feel that she can also be happy, now I can’t say she is perfectly fine right now, but I can proudly say that she is very much fine than before and improving day by day. They need to accept that this sufferings can be stopped if they try to do so.


      1. May be its true… But grieving period varies depending on loss and your own nature.. After Facing a very big loss today.. U vil not have courage to move forward normally after 2 days… Things from which we can come our so soon in fact are very small in magnitude.. But for other tough times, it’s rare to have people beside us.. Guiding us… Comforting us..

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, that’s true but we can help as much as we can to those who are in need, not everyone but some of us can help and not everyone of them who all are suffering that pain but some of them can get over it with our help. All the best.


  14. Some really meaningful words up there.I really appreciate your concern.We need to unite and help our friends under any kind of depression.

    I myself have suffered depression for a substantial period.By God’s Grace, I eventually came out of it and so for all my friends experiencing any sort of depression , I just want to say that Sometimes, we think that we have been buried when actually we have been planted .This I learnt after having won over a chronic disease after years of struggle.we just need to hold on a little longer, just never give up.

    I would like to share my complete story here , how I battled with an incurable disease.I wish It helps at least 1 needy person out here.Here’s the story (Not a sad one I promise 🙂 ) https://the-passport-souls.travel.blog/2017/09/04/how-i-tamed-a-monster-called-vitiligo-just-never-give-up/

    Liked by 1 person

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